Episode 7 - 27th Aug
It’s #Throwback Thursday and what better way to start than the Festival favourite fundraiser showstoppers Murdoch’s Crazy Eyes? There’s a step back for presenter Daisy Watson in time lesson from Dawn Gracie and soloist Frank Regester will treat us to some of his classic sounds. All rounded off with local opera singer Imogen Burgess singing Blow the Wind Southerly from her Arundel driveway.
Who better to offer a prize tonight than RetroEsque with a £30 voucher for their vintage-style clothes!
The Virtual Showcase is produced by beechtobeach, website design by Simplified Ideas and support from Arundel Town Council.
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Arundel Festival Ltd
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Registered Charity No: 1136508
Registered Address: Waugh & Co, 51 High Street, Arundel. BN18 9AJ